Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I enjoy the new blogger features that let me see things like how people find this blog -- from other blogs, mostly, and google searches.  It's quite interesting to me that the search that brings the most people here is for the Trail of Tears, which takes them to this post from 2008.  This is consistently the most viewed page on my blog.

(The "coincidence" mentioned in that post, in case you haven't been around long, is that I was on trial that same week, for standing in solidarity with First Nations folk.)

I also love seeing all the countries from which people come to "look in the Window" as it were.  This week, the top countries are the US, Sri Lanka (!), Germany, France, Japan, Brazil, Ukraine, Canada, Netherlands, and United Arab Emirates.  Greetings, everyone!

All time, Window readers come from the US, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Netherlands, Russia, France, Brazil, Australia, and Ukraine.

Wave in the comments if you're from any of these countries!  Or if you're not!  And thanks for visiting!