Just dropping by to say the trip to El Salvador was great. Very moving, to be at my cielo´s old house with her family, and hear the stories of the war and the confrontations between the military and guerillas which took place all around the house. We also visited several families who were in their church, and some relatives. Very busy! I´ll share more later when I have more time.
Today we went to Chimaltenango to visit a Mayan family that my cielo used to work with and who I've been to visit a few times. Again, very moving, and I'll tell more later.
Every day has been full of emotional experiences. I´m glad we will have a few days to recuperate when we get back, and then our retreat in Santa Fe. There is hardly any opportunity to go off by oneself to process it all. There are 11 of the family here in the house, and it is not safe to go out in the street alone (or even two women together), even to take the bus any more.
Which is a little bit of an adjustment for Towanda the independent introvert. But, that´s just the way it is. As we say in my family, it´s a slight momentary affliction! (I couldn't bear it, though, if I lived here. I'd have to start driving here, which seriously a life-risking endeavour...).
Tomorrow we go to the organization that my cielo and I both used to work with (well, she worked there, I worked with them with the program I used to coordinate for the PCUSA). We´ll be there for the devotional, I hope, and then to spend some time with the director who is a good friend. Haven´t seen them in 7 years. I really want to see the director, the last time she saw me I was not at all well, having just lost my job and with depression and all. I want her to know I am well.
Speaking of being well...before we left for El Salvador, they took me to the pharmacy to have the pharmacist look at the weird rash on my foot (pharmacists can diagnose some things here). Here´s the diagnosis: a spider bit me, and then (get this) peed on my foot, leaving a fungal rash behind.
I know, EWW. The medicine (topical) really helps, though. I took a picture of the rash which I´ll post later.
Don´t worry. I´ll warn you first.
Peace, y'all --