So, I'm putting together a resumé for my seminary application. Here is the section for my present job:
2001 - Present Health Assistant/Spanish Interpreter
North Portland Health Center, Multnomah County Health Department, Portland, ORResponsibilities:
*INTERPRETATION for Spanish-speaking clients and their providers in a clinic setting.
*RESOURCE GATHERING and ORGANIZATION of patient education materials.
*Readying clients to see providers by using CLINICAL SKILLS (taking vital signs and certain lab procedures); trained in these skills by clinic staff.
*EDUCATE and COUNSEL clients on issues such as domestic violence/child abuse, drug/alcohol abuse, birth control, diabetes, nutrition, and other health concerns.
*Clinic TEAM MEMBER, Oregon Diabetes Collaborative, Reach Out and Read program.
Now, here is the description of my last two jobs (they were related, so I think it counts to include them both...)
1994 - 2000: Coordinator, Reconciliation and Mission Program
Presbyterian Church (USA), Worldwide Ministries Division
*LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT/COMMUNITY BUILDING with diverse, multi-cultural communities.
*VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT and INTERVIEWING, TRAINING, and SUPERVISION. Volunteers represented a diverse range of cultural, political, theological, experiential, economic, ethnic, etc. backgrounds.
*COMMUNITY BUILDING between members of faith communities in the U.S. and Central America/Mexico who made up the core group of program participants.
*FIELD ASSISTANCE for program participants and host communities, particularly INTERPRETATION of cultural issues to assist in breaking down barriers to communication.
*BIBLICAL REFLECTION with and EDUCATION of volunteers and U.S. congregations on theology of reconciliation, and on multi-cultural issues and historical/current events, particularly relating to concerns for peace, justice, and reconciliation between the U.S. and Central America/Mexico; issues included cultural sensitivity, human rights, racism, sexism, economics, immigration, and the environment.
*EDUCATION of church communities concerning the need for a new model of mission in which relationships are based in mutuality and cooperation, rather than dependency.
*PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT and long-range planning as a member of the international planning team.
*TRAINING/EDUCATIONAL CURRICULA DEVELOPMENT of both written resources as well as community building exercises. RESEARCHING available materials both for personal education and for information to share with others.
*PLANNING, ORGANIZATION and LEADERSHIP of participant orientation and program conferences, retreats, and other events.
*DELIVERING PRESENTATIONS and general PUBLIC SPEAKING in settings ranging from small groups (Sunday School classes, e.g.) to large gatherings at conferences and other church gatherings.
*PREACHING by invitation at worship in various churches I visited.
*EVALUATION of program on a regular basis; written reports for the international planning team.
*TRANSLATION of all documents, reports, etc. produced for the program.
*MANAGEMENT/ADMINISTRATION of program budget.1993-1994: Mission Diaconal Worker, Reconciliation and Mission Program
Presbyterian Church (USA), Worldwide Ministries DivisionAssignment: Team member, Department of Family Counseling, San José, Costa Rica
*PLANNING, ORGANIZATION, AND CO-FACILITATION of conferences and workshops on violence against women, sex education, positive body image, and women’s empowerment. Events particularly focused on the role of the church in hindering and promoting women’s full empowerment.
*ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANCE, including organizing the Department’s resource center.
*WORSHIP LEADERSHIP at the local congregation I attended, including music leadership and preaching.
Wow, you know, I really did do all that. No wonder the "House of Pain" (as the cool nurse here calls it) seems so unfulfilling in comparison.
So, my essay is in the last editing stages -- it has taken me 9 months (get it?) to write it, which I didn't realize until 2 days ago, when I took the day off from work to finish it. I've been beating myself up about taking so long (even though, you know, there was that whole TRIP TO MEXICO to coordinate almost single-handedly) but once I figured out the timing I suddenly was at peace with it.
Anyway, the essay is done-ish, the resumé is done, the application form is filled out, the transcript request is going in the mail tomorrow, the references are ALREADY in (that was a prod to me to get it together)...I am feeling psyched!
Once my essay is done, I'll post it here for your amusement.