A life-size (meaning much bigger than me) bear made entirely out of nails.
The Wheeler Opera House, 19th century building.
The view from the front porch of the home where I stayed. Looking towards Aspen, I think. Actually, I have no idea, the road to there is kinda curvy...
Looking from on top of Aspen Mountain (I took the Gondola up, against the advice from some HappyChurch members...it was worth it!). The valley on the right is the one and only Conundrum Valley, made famous in my post here.
Me, coming down the mountain on the Gondola. (Yes, those are band-aids. I got blisters from walking all around Aspen the day before in new shoes...)
One of my favorite things, a mountain stream/river. I actually stopped several times to take its picture.
Aspens and sky and sun.
Tundra flowers at Independence Pass, the continental divide.
Twin Lakes, with mountains.
I took a lot of photos, I wish I could show them all...stop by for a coke sometime and I will!